Sunday, January 8, 2012

Solar energy

Source of energy which is currently much developed one of the source of solar energy, commonly referred to as solar power. Source of energy from sunlight is free of pollution, the amount is not limited to, does not require the transmission network so it can be utilized independently anywhere for a biases still affordable to the Sun. Indonesia is actually a very strategic place for the use of solar energy is due to its location in the tropics. The area a highly optimized receive sunlight

The amount of energy emitted from the Sun is equivalent to 10,000 times the energy consumption throughout the world today. The use of solar energy does not interfere with the conditions of the atmosphere and also do not generate pollutants that are harmful to living things.

Principle of work

The Sun is captured by semiconductor-coated cells then converted into electricity. In order to be used at night usually electricity generated is stored in a battery cell. The energy emitted by x-ray matahri actually just received by the Earth's surface amounted to 69% of the total energy of the Sun.

Energy produced from sunlight is very big, about 3 x 1024 Joules/year. The energy equivalent of 2 x 1017 Watts. With only 0.1% of the total sunlight sunlight which bathes the entire Earth's surface can be insufficient energy required around the world.

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